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Week 5

Web 2.0 In Education

Below are some examples of Web 2.0 that can be used in aiding teachers to fulfill the needs of having a more creative and interesting ways of influencing pupils to indulge and participate with the subjects taught in the classroom.

1. Voicetread ---------------------------------------------------

A VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments in 5 ways - using voice (with a mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam). Share a VoiceThread with friends, students, and colleagues for them to record comments too.

2. QR Codes ---------------------------------------------------
These black and white pixelated squares can be found on TV, in magazines, and now in classrooms. Using a mobile device with a camera such as a smart phone, iTouch, iPad or free software downloaded on a computer, a QR code can be quickly created to link directly to text, images, or web addresses.  Try it yourself by scanning QR code below:

Don’t have a QR reader? Type into your Internet browser on your mobile device to download a free QR reader.  Now imagine using this in your classroom by linking to online resources, creating a scavenger hunt, providing the answers to quiz questions, or extending art room learning by sending students home with QR code resources.

3. Animoto ---------------------------------------------------

Want to look like a master movie-maker? Simply upload images or video clips, select music, and click to create an amazing movie.  Just by registering for an educator account you get access to full-length movies without paying a dime.

4. Blabberize ---------------------------------------------------

What isn’t funny about an artificial talking mouth?  Start with any portrait, define the mouth area, and talk.  The mouth will follow your voice. Use Blabberize to present information about an artist, convey classroom rules, or give studio instruction.  While this may not change your teaching world, incorporating Blabberize into your lessons can certainly enhance instruction and get the students to take notice. 

5. Ipopetz ---------------------------------------------------

Create a 3-D mini cartoon show. Select a puppet, create the story, and record a show that is ready to share. This tools is useful when you would like to initiate more of their visual and creative thinking skills in the classroom.

6. Wordia ---------------------------------------------------

Wordia is a free games-based learning platform - built on the foundations of a dictionary - that blends word-based learning games with interactive video vocabulary. Wordia encourages students to learn through play - building subject ‘Word Banks’ as they compete with classmates and other schools in a fun, competition-led, learning environment.

To conclude, these implementation of Web 2.0 tools within the education field indeed have brought upon great changes in term of the way of teaching from a conventional methods that usually used chalk and talk to a more modernized methods such as Educreations

Surely this strategy of adapting Web 2.0 tools within the education field is not a waste of time as it may not only could initiate a more critise and creative thinking in the children (even the adult are eager to learn) but also it could create a new kind of environment that is more comfortable with nowadays era.

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